My final major takeaway from WordCamp Las Vegas 2014 happens to be the hardest lesson I have had to learn so far as a business owner. If you want to grow and expand, you must outsource. Kathi Minsky shared a lot of great insights on the topic.
As my business has evolved, I have become increasingly annoyed at all the little tasks in the way of my main work, but I have always been reluctant to outsource them. Part of the reason is that in a bootstrapped startup every dollar is precious. Another reason is I have a lone ranger mentality at times and try to figure stuff out on my own.
But influences are finally getting through my thick skull. Long-time friend and entrepreneur Sam Lytle is a master at outsourcing and has encouraged me to do it for years. Then I recently read a life changing book, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (I’ll share more on this book later), where Stephen R. Covey encourages delegating tasks in order to focus on what he calls “high leverage” activities. “Delegation means growth, both for individuals and for organizations,” he said.
Kathi Minsky told our WordCamp group that for every task in our way – whether it is a small pebble or a large boulder – there is a person able and eager to take care of it. And with a worldwide workforce available, it is easier than ever to find the one who can do the job fast and at an affordable price.
Bottom line, outsourcing is about getting others to do the work that is outside of your primary responsibilities and skill set. I am doing it more and am realizing how liberating it is. My time is more organized, and I am spending it doing the work best suited for me and my role within the company. I have more control of my days and my stress levels are going down. Rather than ask if I can afford to outsource a task, I am starting to ask if I can afford not to.
Takeaway #1: We Love Telling Stories
Takeaway #2: The Beauty of Sponsored Content