Creating Strong Messages

The amount of firepower communicators have in their arsenal is simply unmatched. We truly do have the ability to create strong messages like never before.

This was on full display with “Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek” from the New York Times. The Peabody Award winning story raises the bar for every journalist who aspires to tell an audience exactly what happened and exactly what it felt like for those involved. From the looping movie showing chilled air moving across an icy mountain side, to an aerial flight over the terrain, to the victims explaining what it felt like being beat to shreds and buried by a massive avalanche… The combination of media tools work together seamlessly with the text to create a story package with few rivals.

This is integrated media at it’s finest.

Not every project need be this epic. But the more we integrate all available tools in our messaging, the more we’ll inform and persuade in moving ways.

So what’s your message? Let’s make it stand apart from the rest.