UX & SEO: The Perfect Combination For Your Website

UX and SEO Design

For many years now ranking a website on Google has been very confusing for people. Some so-called “experts” say that SEO work is not effective and that you just need to have good content, while other “experts” say SEO is everything and there are numerous “tricks” you can implement to get you on the first page of Google. Let’s set the record straight a little bit, don’t listen to people who have these opinions. There is a balance to an effective marketing strategy, that balance is SEO & UX. Let’s explain each of these areas first and then we can discuss how they can combine to help your website.

SEO is Complex

Patrick Stox, from SearchEngineLand.com, said this, “SEO isn’t just putting keywords on a page. It’s not just building a bunch of links, and it’s not just writing a bunch of content. Many of the methods used in the past no longer work, and SEOs should be looking at everything, and I mean everything, that they can in order to put the pieces together. No longer will lots of shoddy links get you to the top (for long, anyway), but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t build links. Article sites and article spinning have had their heyday, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t create content.”

SEO is something that is always changing. So whether you do SEO yourself or you have a marketing company doing it for you, make sure the SEO techniques are up to date and are adapting to innovations as they are released. Make sure you are getting reports so you can track the results of their work and know where you are ranking on Google Search. Also make sure they will help your website follow UX techniques help keep your website performing well.

User Experience

User Experience or UX is an innovative strategy that helps you connect with your customers in a meaningful way for them and in an effective way for your business. Check out the video below to get a quick explanation.

UX is really enhancing the way people interact with your product or website. Proper UX leads to more effective conversions, user retention, customer satisfaction, user utility, and more. Make sure you take UX into account when setting up things like social media, websites, software, apps, etc.

UX & SEO Combined

SEO is absolutely an important part of any marketing mix, but proper and effective SEO work needs to be done and done correctly. As a rule of thumb, make sure you are always following Google’s Best Practices, and your website is being optimized consistently. Then couple your SEO efforts with effective User Experience or UX techniques. This is the best formula for effective online marketing results, and if these practices are being followed closely your website or other channels will be a more impactful factor on the success of your business.

When setting up a new website, social media, or anything else your consumers use make sure you factor in effective SEO and UX techniques to make your product well-rounded and effective. For any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Give us a call or shoot us an email and we can help you implement these changes on your website.